Thursday, June 12, 2008

I've posted some pictures below of random things and of Savannah's birthday. I'm sooo behind on my pictures. I haven't uploaded any in a couple of weeks and I take on average about 100 a day, so these pictures aren't the most recent. A quick update on Savannah at two years old. She speaks in comlete sentences most of the time and keeps us laughing all the time. It's amazing the things they pick up on at this age. She seems to be more girly than ever. She carries purses with more lip gloss than I even own in them. And she applies this lip gloos very often! She's particular about which shoes she wants to wear when we're going somewhere. I keep all of her shoes hidden so that they aren't all over our house, but she still remembers what she owns and tells me which ones to go get for her. She loves to have her fingernails and toenails painted. She doesn't really like to get dirty or to have a boo boo on her. She wants to wash all her boo boos off. She's really using her imaginatin these days which is so neat to watch. She loves her baby dolls and goes through stages where they go everywhere with us too. She recently named one of her dolls Californ. It was hilarious! I asked her the baby's name and that's what she came up with and she's stuck with it. My mom was gone to California a few weeks ago and we talked about that so often, I guess that's where it came from. She just shortened it. We're just enjoying watching her grow up and learn new things everyday.